MyST style guide

The documentation files use a mixture of Markdown and MyST syntax.

See the following sections for syntax help and conventions.


This style guide assumes that you are using the Sphinx documentation starter pack. Some of the mentioned syntax requires Sphinx extensions (which are enabled in the starter pack).

For general style conventions, see the Canonical Documentation Style Guide.




# Title

Page title and H1 heading

## Heading

H2 heading

### Heading

H3 heading

#### Heading

H4 heading

Further headings

Adhere to the following conventions:

  • Do not use consecutive headings without intervening text.

  • Do not skip levels (for example, do not follow an H2 heading with an H4 heading).

  • Use sentence style for headings (capitalise only the first word).

Inline formatting



{guilabel}`UI element`

UI element



{file}`file path`

file path









Adhere to the following conventions:

  • Use italics sparingly. Common uses for italics are titles and names (for example, when referring to a section title that you cannot link to, or when introducing the name for a concept).

  • Use bold sparingly. Avoid using bold for emphasis and rather rewrite the sentence to get your point across.

Code blocks

Start and end a code block with three back ticks:


You can specify the code language after the back ticks to enforce a specific lexer, but in many cases, the default lexer works just fine.



# Demonstrate a code block
- example: true

# Demonstrate a code block
- example: true

# Demonstrate a code block
- example: true

# Demonstrate a code block
- example: true

To include back ticks in a code block, increase the number of surrounding back ticks:





Terminal output

Showing a terminal view can be useful to show the output of a specific command or series of commands, where it is important to see the difference between input and output. In addition, including a terminal view can help break up a long text and make it easier to consume, which is especially useful when documenting command-line-only products.

To show a terminal view, use the following directive:



:input: command number one
:user: root
:host: vm

output line one
output line two
:input: another command
more output

root@vm:~# command number one
output line oneoutput line two
root@vm:~# another command
more output

Input is specified as the :input: option (or prefixed with :input: as part of the main content of the directive). Output is the main content of the directive.

To override the prompt (user@host:~$ by default), specify the :user: and/or :host: options. To make the terminal scroll horizontally instead of wrapping long lines, add :scroll:.




- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
  • Item 1

  • Item 2

  • Item 3

1. Step 1
1. Step 2
1. Step 3
  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

1. Step 1
   - Item 1
     * Sub-item
   - Item 2
1. Step 2
   1. Sub-step 1
   1. Sub-step 2
  1. Step 1

    • Item 1

      • Sub-item

    • Item 2

  2. Step 2

    1. Sub-step 1

    2. Sub-step 2

Adhere to the following conventions:

  • In numbered lists, use 1. for all items to generate the step numbers automatically. You can also use a higher number for the first item to start with that number.

  • Use - for unordered lists. When using nested lists, you can use * for the nested level.

Definition lists



Term 1
: Definition

Term 2
: Definition
Term 1


Term 2



You can use standard Markdown tables. However, using the reST list table syntax is usually much easier. See the Sphinx documentation for all table syntax alternatives.

Both markups result in the following output:

Header 1

Header 2

Cell 1

Second paragraph cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4

Markdown tables

| Header 1                           | Header 2 |
| Cell 1<br><br>2nd paragraph cell 1 | Cell 2   |
| Cell 3                             | Cell 4   |

List tables

See list tables for reference.

   :header-rows: 1

* - Header 1
  - Header 2
* - Cell 1

    2nd paragraph cell 1
  - Cell 2
* - Cell 3
  - Cell 4




A note.


A note.

A tip.


A tip.

Important information


Important information.

This might damage your hardware!


This might damage your hardware!

Adhere to the following conventions:

  • Use notes sparingly.

  • Only use the following note types: note, tip, important, caution

  • Only use a caution if there is a clear hazard of hardware damage or data loss.




![Alt text](

Alt text

   :width: 100px
   :alt: Alt text

   Figure caption
Alt text

Figure caption

Adhere to the following conventions:

  • For local pictures, start the path with / (for example, /images/image.png).

  • Use PNG format for screenshots and SVG format for graphics.

  • See Five golden rules for compliant alt text for information about how to word the alt text.


A big advantage of MyST in comparison to plain Markdown is that it allows to reuse content.


To reuse sentences or paragraphs that have little markup and special formatting, use substitutions.

Substitutions can be defined in the following locations:

  • Globally, in a file named reuse/substitutions.yaml that is loaded into the myst_substitutions variable in
    import os
    import yaml
    if os.path.exists('./reuse/substitutions.yaml'):
      with open('./reuse/substitutions.yaml', 'r') as fd:
          myst_substitutions = yaml.safe_load(
    # Key/value substitutions to use within the Sphinx doc.
    {version_number: "0.1.0",
     formatted_text: "*Multi-line* text\n that uses basic **markup**.",
     site_link: "[Website link]("}
  • Locally, putting the definitions at the top of a single file in the following format:

        version_number: "0.1.0"
        formatted_text: "*Multi-line* text
                         that uses basic **markup**."
        advanced_reuse_key: "This is a substitution that includes a code block:
                           code block

You can combine both options by defining a default substitution in reuse/ and overriding it at the top of a file.

The definitions from the above examples are rendered as follows:






Multi-line text that uses basic markup.


Website link


This is a substitution that includes a code block: code block

Adhere to the following convention:

  • Substitutions do not work on GitHub. Therefore, use substitution names that indicate the included content (for example, note_not_supported instead of reuse_note).

File inclusion

To reuse longer sections or text with more advanced markup, you can put the content in a separate file and include the file or parts of the file in several locations.

To select parts of the text in a file, use :start-after: and :end-before: if possible. You can combine those with :start-line: and :end-line: if required (if the same text occurs more than once). Using only :start-line: and :end-line: is error-prone though.

You cannot put any targets into the content that is being reused (because references to this target would be ambiguous then). You can, however, put a target right before including the file.

By combining file inclusion and substitutions, you can even replace parts of the included text.



% Include parts of the content from
% file [style-guide.rst](style-guide.rst)
```{include} style-guide.rst
    :start-after: "Adhere to the following conventions:"
    :end-before: "- Do not skip levels"

  • Do not use consecutive headings without intervening text.

  • Be consistent with the characters you use for each level. Use the ones specified above.

Adhere to the following convention:

  • File inclusion does not work on GitHub. Therefore, always add a comment linking to the included file.

  • Files that only contain text that is reused somewhere else should be placed in the reuse folder and end with the extension .txt to distinguish them from normal content files.

  • To make sure inclusions don’t break, consider adding HTML comments (<!-- some comment -->) to the source file as markers for starting and ending.


The recommended way of creating tabs is to use the Sphinx tabs extension, which remembers the selected tab (also when navigating to other pages).




```{group-tab} Tab 1

Content Tab 1

```{group-tab} Tab 2

Content Tab 2


Content Tab 1

Alternatively, if you use tabs only occasionally and don’t want to include an additional extension for them, you can use the basic tabs that the Sphinx design extension provides.




```{tab-item} Tab 1
:sync: key1

Content Tab 1

```{tab-item} Tab 2
:sync: key2

Content Tab 2


Content Tab 1

Content Tab 2

Collapsible sections

There is no support for details sections in MyST, but you can insert HTML to create them.







You can define glossary terms in any file. Ideally, all terms should be collected in one glossary file though, and they can then be referenced from any file.




MyST example term
  Definition of the example term.

MyST example term

Definition of the example term.

{term}`MyST example term`

MyST example term

More useful markup




```{versionadded} X.Y

Added in version X.Y.

Can be used to distinguish between different versions.


A horizontal line

Can be used to visually divide sections on a page.

<!-- This is a comment -->

Not visible in the output.

{abbr}`API (Application Programming Interface)`


Hover to display the full term.



Explicitly exempt a term from the spelling check.